7 Super Kool Reasons that’ll Persuade you to Find a Fitness Buddy!
When people decide to lose weight, they prefer to do it secretly, without telling anyone. This is because they are scared. Scared that they’ll fail and will be made fun of. Frankly, their thinking is not absolutely incorrect, as people around us are like that… they need a target for their jokes and vent frustration.
But then among these people only you’ll have to find that someone who will support you in your weight loss endeavor. Either because s/he is your friend and you trust her (and most importantly s/he understands why you want to lose weight). OR s/he is sailing in the same boat, i.e. s/he herself is struggling to lose weight.
You need to look for this ‘Someone’, as s/he is going to be your ‘Fitness Buddy’ or ‘Weight Loss Buddy’.
In my earlier post, Prepare your Weight Loss Confidants, I stressed the importance of preparing people around you for your weight loss before you even begin with it. But they are NOT your weight loss buddies. They are the people who will get affected by the lifestyle changes you are likely to make in order to lose weight.
To become a weight loss/ fitness buddy, they will have to qualify the Buddy Checklist. But before that, you need to know why it is so important to have a fitness buddy in the first place.
I give half the credit for my weight loss (Nah… not more, I am selfish 😅😅) to my weight loss buddy. (You can read my weight loss story here)
Comparing Notes & Sharing Results
The best thing about having a fitness buddy is that YOU ARE NOT ALONE. 👯👯 There is this someone who is always with you, supporting you and doing what you are doing. You can share your researches/ results/ conclusions and compare your notes with your buddy – like recipes, schedules/ meal plans exercise methods, etc..
It is these everyday discussions and constant analysis of each other’s routine and outcomes, that makes your journey (which would otherwise be boring and torturous) much more fun and something you look forward to.
You can use Evernote to share your notes. Both your buddy and you can install it on your phone as well as your desktop computer. It is an excellent software that helps you share your notes among devices as well as with other people and you no longer have a reason for not sharing.
You can use my Evernote Affiliate Link to create an account and you’ll be given one month of Evernote Premium just for getting started.
Better Planning and Willingness to Try New Things
With a buddy, your weight loss journey becomes more fun. You look forward to trying out new things (for appreciation); plan your workouts better and regularly follow your routine (afraid of criticism if you don’t). And you are more motivated to stick to the routine, which gets better results in the end.
I experimented with different snack recipes and different dishes every week, which became healthier in the next try with inputs from my buddy. Also, I knew it was time for me to change my workout routine because my buddy would say so and s/he was tracking that it has been long since my weight has not dropped.
Honest Opinion and More Accountability
When you discuss your respective routines with each other, you get to know what you are doing right and where you went wrong. Your buddy would give an honest opinion and tell you where you have goofed up. And so you can take instant measures to improve where you are required to improve and better the parts where you are good. Because you know that your routine is being tracked, you feel more accountable in terms of doing things and doing them right.
I hardly kept any log of what I did, because I was just talking it over with my buddy. With regular discussions, asking questions and researching together, we got our answers and continued with our journey. 💁💁
Acts as a Constant Motivator
In your aspiration to lose weight, you will be required to make many changes in your lifestyle. Some changes will come easily to you, while for some you may have to make conscious efforts. There may be times when you would feel demotivated, ‘cause these changes may constantly challenge you, requiring you to move away from your comfort zone. Can be quiet discomforting. And if you are alone, there are high chances that you give up your endeavour.
Your weight loss buddy will bring you on track by boosting your confidence and reminding you why you began your journey in the first place. And constantly tell you,”You Can Do It, Girl! Because you are awesome ☺”.
Keeping your Ego in Check
When you start getting results, you might have the tendency to loosen up a bit, which maybe by cheating here and there on your diet or even skipping workouts. Your buddy keeps a check on that. She is there to remind you that there is still a long way to go and get you back on track.
Healthy Competition
“Oh, I have to do my workout, cause she will be doing it.” OR “What if she loses weight faster then I do?” OR “ What will I say to her if I don’t do my exercise today?” Half the time I exercised because I had told her I would and on many other times because I thought what if she exercised and I don’t, I would be left behind. 😈😈
We all are competitive in nature. We may not want to do better than the other, but we definitely don’t want to be left behind. And you automatically develop this competitive spirit when you have a buddy. Together and with support and encouragement from each other you keep moving.
Easy Venting Out and More Positivity
When you are talking to someone every day, you tend to discuss many things, like what is stressing you out or bothering you. 🙇🏻🙇🏻 Many a time just venting out the stress, like the smallest of argument with your spouse or a bad day at work, help you settle down the restlessness that these things cause. You can talk it through and take it out of your system once and for all (instead of sulking over it) and then get on with your life.
7 Reasons Why it is Important to have a Fitness Buddy on your Weight Loss Journey! Share on XNegative things in your life make your mind negative. And a negative mind can never give you positive results. Venting out the things that are bothering you, brings your mind to a relaxed state and makes it positive, which is really important to have while you are losing weight.
Do you need more reasons to find a buddy? 🤔🤔 … Hope you will soon find one. But not before see my Buddy Checklist know what you need to look for in a Buddy.
Until next time. XOXO.
April 29, 2018 @ 10:56 am
Rocking List… Each time I try to lose weight, I fail… your list above makes me realise what I have been missing. It really helps to have someone to talk to. There are things you cannot do alone. I was planning to attempt at losing weight again. But this time I will try to do it with a buddy.
April 29, 2018 @ 11:52 am
Great… really good to hear that… and yes a buddy is really essential… good luck finding one… else you can always get it touch with me… 🙂
May 21, 2018 @ 6:39 am
Great list. I have faced a lot to become fit.
May 21, 2018 @ 6:43 am
I have faced a lot to be fit.
May 21, 2018 @ 6:44 am
Rocking List… Each time I try to lose weight, I fail… your list above makes me realise what I have been missing. It really helps to have someone to talk to. There are things you cannot do alone. I was planning to attempt at losing weight again. But this time I will try to do it with a buddy.
May 21, 2018 @ 11:57 pm
Hi Ishan, I am glad you got inspired. Buddy is very crucial and so choose one with utmost caution. And if you think you need any help, you can always get in touch with me.