Why should you Define a Reason to Lose Weight?
In my earlier post, I spoke about adopting a few traits without which cannot achieve a fast & effective weight loss. Today, I will talk about why is it important that you define your reason to lose weight?
Most of us want to lose weight, and many just talk about wanting to lose weight. I have seen people eating a large pizza with an extra large coke and cribbing about how fat they are and how they will start dieting from tomorrow itself… but then who has seen that tomorrow. 🤔
It is only a few people who really get serious and take steps towards making a change in their lives. The very reason that you have searched for a weight loss solution and reading this blog, makes you among those few who belong to this category with those who are actually keen to lose weight and willing to work towards it.
Kudos to that and you can pat your back… ☺
Define the reason you want to lose weight for and write it down. It will make you keep going when you would want to quit. Share on XBut again, before you begin your weight transformation journey, it is important that you write down the reason you want to lose weight for.
So why is it important to define your reason to lose weight?
There would be times in your journey when you would want to back out. It is then that you will need to revisit this reason to get you going. So whether it is to get your lost confidence back or to show the world that you too can do it and that you are no less… you NEED to have a reason and you need to define it and make sure to write it down as well.
DO always keep in mind that it is not necessary for your reason to be that deep, it could be as simple as being able to fit into a particular dress or to look better than your neighbor or your office crush’s spouse or partner. It is important if it has motivated you to lose weight.
Write your reason?
Now write the reason(s) that motivated you to start on this journey. Everyone has a reason… wrong reason or right… there is always a reason… You can use Evernote to maintain your notes or weight loss journal. I do recommend that you open an account with Evernote and download its Free desktop & phone apps so that you have access to the information all the time.
You can use my Evernote Affiliate Link to create a premium account and you’ll be given one month FREE of Evernote Premium just for getting started.
Don’t think that the reason is small or big, cause if this reason has motivated you to lose weight, it is important.
If you feel like quitting, come back to remind yourself WHY you really started. Share on X
I had two:
- My health reasons which I also spoke about in my weight loss story
- I wanted to feel active and look good ☺😎 (ahem, who doesn’t!)
You see, any reason can be your reason. Just think of it and write it.
Some examples and to get you started, I am listing down a few which I have heard from people around, pick one from the list or list down your own.
- Fit into a particular dress
- Feel healthy
- Look sexy & attractive
- Match Deepika Padukone looks
- Be thinner than a particular neighbor/ friend
- Participate in a beauty contest
- & it can go on and on.
Once you have written your reason, you can move to the next step of finding your weight loss confidants.
I would love to know what your reason to lose weight is. Either comment in the box below or write to me what your reason is.
Until next time… XOXO.
March 19, 2017 @ 10:30 pm
To look beautiful n fit into particular dress
March 20, 2017 @ 9:39 am
Awesome.. that’s a wonderful start.. Read further and complete the actionable in the workbook… Results will follow 🙂
May 13, 2018 @ 7:48 pm
I want to lose weight because I want to look good. And also I want to get rid of the feeling of being bloated forever. Can your weight loss course help?
May 14, 2018 @ 3:21 am
Hi Rohit! If you complete my weight loss course and follow it step by step, you will see the result in a week’s time.